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  • Used Car Manager / Desking Manager


Used Car Manager / Desking Manager


High Volume Western Suffolk / Nassau County New Car Franchise Dealer is seeking to hire an experienced Used Car Manager /  Desking Manager now!

We have plenty of used car inventory in stock!

If you have the following criteria, we want to talk to you!

  • You must have knowledge of online auctions
  • The ability to monitor and motivate a sales team
  • Expertise with inventory control and pricing
  • Proven experience and a strong background in the used car department.
  • Desking deals/ the ability to T.O. and close deals
  • Internet Marketing / Advertising
  • Inventory control
  • Great references
  • You will also be responsible for training, motivating, and monitoring the Salesfloor

We will provide you with:

  • Salary range of $150k-$200k per year (this is a commission-based opportunity)
  • Medical benefits package
  • A 401K
  • Paid vacation

You are reading an opportunity to earn a SIX FIGURE INCOME!

You can expect full support from senior management!

To inquire about this opportunity, please fill out the form below and attach your resume.

 All resumes must be current, to be considered for this position

  All inquiries are strictly confidential!

F&I Manager / High Line
Honda City / Mgmt Oppty