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  • Millennium Chevrolet


Auto Techs


Are you a talented Tech and feel that you are not being paid what you are truly worth?

If so … READ ON…

We are paying substantially over the union scale for talented Techs! UP TO …


$60.00 Per Hour

(For Qualified A Techs)


Millennium Chevrolet located on Franklin Ave, Hempstead, NY is seeking to hire A, B & C Auto Techs! We have a very busy shop and are seeking talented techs to join us!

In addition, you can expect…

  1. Salary range from $30 -$60 per hour
  2. Union shop Local 355 (GREAT PACKAGE)
  3. We have some of the strongest Service Advisors on Long Island
  4. Paid holidays, sick days & personnel days
  5. Flexible work schedules
  6. Paid birthdays off
  7. Looking to advance your career, we will pay for your GM Training…FREE
  8. Plenty of work

Are you a Seasoned Diesel Tech, if so, you need to apply as well!

We have several Techs that earn a… SIX FIGURE INCOME!

A NYS Inspectors License is a plus, a clean driver’s license is a must and your tools.

For further information on this opportunity, please call (Service Director) Ron Guzzi @ (516) 262-5555, or to apply, please fill out the form below and attach your resume.

Don’t have a resume?

Click on Tech Resume Builder

All inquiries are strictly confidential


Lube Techs
Bical Chevrolet